Cornerstone Lifeworks Mission

We have a mission here at Cornerstone Lifeworks to help guide individuals, couples and families into cultivating the quality of life and relationships that they were first intended to have.

Lives that have meaning and that are satisfying, intimate, and filled with hope overflowing. Lives that are fulfilled and empowered, and that when negatively affected and hurt, can find safety in adjusting to allow for the needed healing through growth.

As we all are striving for our purpose in this life, we are in continual discovery about who God is for us and what our true identity is, as it is revealed in Him coming through for us in our struggles, not apart or separate from them.

After all, we take our cue from the Giver of life: “A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, kill, and destroy. But I, Jesus, have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect - a life in its fullness until you overflow!” ~ Jesus speaking in John‬ ‭10:10‬ ‭

Cornerstone’s desire is to serve the community as a whole. We intend to encourage, connect and equip others to believe in and pursue the possibilities that God has available for them in their continued hope and unfolding future.

Faith and Professionalism

Explore our provider's bios for more information regarding the individual specialties and areas of expertise to best serve our clients needs.

We are not just counselors who are Christians, but we are counselors who merge our professional, therapeutic, evidenced based tools and education within a Christ-centered perspective, through the leading of the Holy Spirit.

We emphasize and celebrate the importance of integrating the clinical, experiential and faith-based realms of therapy and counseling. We fully intend to serve and love the whole “you” through our delivery of quality counseling and ongoing therapeutic relationship.”

Meet The Team

Insurances Accepted

At Cornerstone we will bill your insurance for you. However, each insurance has several different plans, and billing your insurance is not a guarantee of payment to your provider(s). Each client should check with their insurance to find out what their specific plan is requesting per visit as their responsibility. Some plans do require a referral in place prior to services being rendered to be approved for payment to the provider. It is the client's responsibility to be informed of their portion for each visit. Client payments are due at the time of the services rendered.